“He was strolling through the jungle; he had to reach the other side of the mountains. Luis knew that he faced a long journey to reach the last outpost of the Spanish Empire – at the edge of civilization, where the map fell off into legend. It was the Anno Domini 1537, and Luis Felipe Guiterrez had arrived in the New World the year before, sent by his majesty Charles V to help his fellow countrymen complete the conquest of the land we now call Peru. The world he encountered now was nothing like he’d expected..”
– Excerpted from History Adventures, World of Characters
..coming to iTunes, January 2020
The future of the book is now.
Drawing inspiration from Robert Garland’s The Other Side of History: Daily Life in the Ancient World (2010): History Adventures conjures snapshots of compellingly real historical scenarios. The characters will not be world famous, like Alexander, Cleopatra, or Napoleon. Rather, they will be relatable, normal people – living in extraordinary circumstances.
The narrative structure will be like zooming in through portals in time, to observe – and feel the drama and excitement – of little slices of lived human experience.And from these stories, we will extract curricular concepts relevant to a bigger picture understanding of history and its fascinatingly interwoven, cross-disciplinary themes.
History Adventures: the Stories of People in Time, Connected by Eternity..
coming to itunes, January 2020