
Embark on a journey through time with Dr. Spencer Striker, creator of History Adventures.

Associate Professor of Digital Media Design at Northwestern University in Qatar, Dr. Striker’s funnels his passion for history, technology, and education into History Adventures. Dr. Striker and the award-winning History Adventures team combine historical narratives with immersive digital experiences, making the study of our past both engaging and relevant to the digital generation.

Spencer Striker, PhD | Digital Media Design Professor | profile picture

Our commitment to accessibility extends to every major platform, ensuring History Adventures is readily available for both home and classroom learning environments.`

Award-Winning Excellence in Educational Innovation & a Commitment to Accessibility

History Adventures has achieved numerous prestigious awards, including: a 2023 Digital Projects for the Public Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities; funding from the National Science Foundation’s I-Corps; Gold Medal Winner for Best Ed Tech Innovation at the 2022 Reimagine Education Awards; and winner at the 2022 inaugural Anthem Awards for Education, Art, & Culture. 

History Adventures offers a range of interactive learning experiences, including Revolutions & Industrialization (1750-1900) accessible on Apple Books, Chromebooks, iOS, and Android; Empires & Interconnections (1450-1750) available on Apple Books, iPad, and Android tablet; and Global Pandemics: Plague of Athens, a desktop Chrome browser web app and a VR app for Meta Quest.

Expansive Standards-based Curriculum

At History Adventures, we are dedicated to covering the most vital eras and events studied in schools. Our goal is to ensure that every significant historical period is covered, providing an all-encompassing, standards-aligned educational experience that rewards today’s learners and prepares them for success in school, and in life.